More than a decade ago I moved to a new state, had just been through a stressful divorce, found myself not being able to pay rent, didn’t have a plan, or a budget, or a job, and had thousands of dollars in credit card debt.
I was an emotional wreck and looking back, had no idea the weight that financial pressure could cause.
All of us have stories of let downs, screw ups, and comebacks! Today I am a licensed Realtor, an Investor, as well as a Finance Coach, and ProAdvisor for Quickbooks. I have gone from broke to blessed, from ignorant to influential, from hopeless to hopeful, and from pitiful to powerful. God took me on a journey to know myself better, and to help others become their best selves. Whether it’s one-on-one coaching, or in a classroom setting, I’ve developed the skills and systems to help others avoid the same mistakes I made.